35% of online Americans connect to the Internet with a broadband connection. Broadband has increased by 20% in the past 2 years.
The U.S. is only the 10th largest broadband market.
Broadband users exhibit different online behavior than those using mobile handheld devices or dial up.
Q2. social/cultural environment for e-marketers ( Chapter 7)
Reputation: brand image and reputation are based on market perception.
Relevance: consumers don’t hate all advertising. They just don’t like being interrupted with irrelevant communication.
Engagement: the key to drawing internet users is to provide relevant content or entertainment.
Information overload: too much information overwhelms consumers.
Multitasking: multitasking speeds up normal processes and lowers attention to each task.
Home and work: the boundaries between home and work are dissolving.
Convenience( I want what I want when I want it): anywhere, anytime convenience is critical for busy people.
Online oxygen: an increasing number of consumers cannot do without their internet access---they crave it.
Connectivity: being connected means everything in this social media world.
“In the know” people in the know have access to information that others don’t.
Self-service: consumers want to help themselves when they feel like it and be pampered by firms at other times.
Privacy and data security: customers want marketers to keep their data confidential. They also want to safeguard children from web sites they find objectionable. Consumers want marketers to ask permission before sending commercial e-mail messages.
Q5. consumer online exchange outcomes (Chapter 7)
Connect: unlike any other medium, the internet allows consumers to interact with individuals and organizations using multimedia in two-way communication.
Create: this need to connect was one springboard for the Web’s social networking sites, where users can create