The exam will be a traditional in-class closed-book/closed-notes exam that will test your knowledge and understanding of basic concepts from The Marketing Game! as well as the application of the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching to an ethical situation(s) in marketing. At the end of the exam, there may be some extra credit questions pertaining to The Marketing Game! and/or other topics (e.g., recent business articles from Bloomberg Businessweek or my personal library).
Application of the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching to an Ethical Situation(s) in Marketing
After reading a business article(s) that will be distributed with the exam, be able to:
1. Present an insightful (not shallow) argument, based on the main tenets of Catholic Social Teaching (CST), about whether or not a company’s marketing practices, highlighted in the article, are ethical. When answering this question, you will have to apply germane concepts and a specific number of CST principles (the exact number of CST principles will be revealed the day of the exam) from Klein and Laczniak’s article, “Applying Catholic Social Teachings to Ethical Issues in Marketing,” as well as sound reasoning to support your position.
2. Present a sensible counter argument, backed by concrete reasons, to the position you took in Question 1. Note: The exact number of reasons will be revealed the day of the exam. Depending on the position you take in Question1, when answering this question, you will either be assuming the role of a marketing manager or consumer advocate.
Note: A copy of the article, “Applying Catholic Social Teachings to Ethical Issues in Marketing,” by Thomas A. Klein and Gene Laczniak, will be given to you with the exam.
The Marketing Game! Exam Topics
1. Market Segments
2. Type of Product
3. Product Features
4. Customer Service
5. Pricing
6. Distribution Channels
7. SalesRep Workload Index