Abc theory
□ Affect:
← The way a consumer feels about an attitude object
□ Behavior:
← Involves the person’s intentions to do something with regard to an attitude object
□ Cognition:
← The beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object
□ Hierarchy of Effects:
← A fixed sequence of steps that occur en route to an attitude
Theory of reasoned action
□ Intentions Versus Behavior
□ Social Pressure:
← Subjective Norm (SN)
■ Normative Belief (NB): Belief that others believe an action should or should not be taken
■ Motivation to Comply (MC): Degree to which consumers take into account anticipated reactions
□ Attitude Toward Buying:
← Attitude toward the act of buying (Aact):
How someone feels about buying due to the perceived consequences of a purchase
Theory of trying
□ The theory of trying states that the criterion of behavior is the reasoned action model that should be replaced with trying to reach a goal. It recognizes barriers that might arise. The theory introduces several new components:
□ 1) Past frequency.
□ 2) Recency.
□ 3) Beliefs.
□ 4) Evaluations of consequences.
□ 5) The process.
□ 6) Expectations of success and failure.
□ 7) Subjective norms toward trying.
1. Balance Theory- Considers how a person perceives relations among different attitude objects and how he alters his attitudes so that these remain consistent or balanced.This perspective involves relations (from the perceivers subjective point of view) among 3 elements, called triads. Each triad contains: 1- a person and his perceptions. 2- an attitude object 3- some other person or object. The theory specifies that we want relations among elements in the triad to be