Carl Sagan was perhaps one of the most influential scientific minds Double space entire paper Indent 1 inch from left border that the world has ever experienced. When he learned that stars were actually extremely distant suns, his world was changed and the magnitude of the universe opened up to him. Another strong motivator into science came with his reading of a popular science fiction book of the time, The Burroughs Tales. The stories were not extremely sound scientifically, but still presented ideals of adventure and the unknown. The idea that life could exist elsewhere in the universe fascinated Sagan and remained with him for Indent additional ½ inch when beginning a new paragraph the rest of his life (Eicher). In-text citation pointing to a specific source in the works cited list. Perhaps one of Sagan’s most famous individual accomplishments was his involvement with the Pioneer 10 Space Probe. The probe was created to be the first object to exit our galaxy. Sagan acknowledged that the chances of anything actually discovering the probe were astronomical, but believed that it was important to promote public appreciation for science and thought the project to be “all in good fun” (McDonough 50). Citation with page number of quotation. Italicize names of books, plays, poems, television shows, newspapers, magazines, websites, databases, art, ships, and space craft.
Public appreciation for science was, in fact, what made Sagan the “superstar scientist” that we hear of today. His ability to portray complex
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Cited: Eicher, Dave. "CARL SAGAN, 1934-1996." Astronomy 25.3 (1997): 28. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Mar 2009. Magazine article from a database Harrison, Jane Spangenburg, Ray and Kit Moser. Carl Sagan: A Biography. New York: Book with 2 authors. Prometheus Books, 2008. Print. Streep, Mark. “Sagan Pioneer of His Time.” New York Times. 5 Dec. 2008. LexisNexis. Web. 20 Mar 2009. Unsigned online encyclopedia Unsigned article from an online reference source, “CountryWatch. Online newspaper from a database.