Tami B. Eikelboom
Arizona State University
MLS 598 Topic: Inviting the Wolf in: Taboo in Texts/Visual Texts
Americans have become so obsessed with celebrity culture that illicit drug use in film uses that to often portray it as glitzy and glamorous. Drug use is frequently characterized in the fashion of how it actually ensues on the street, or in whatever venue it occurs. This use of drugs has been depicted as both tempting and alluring, as well as, disgusting and corrupt. The film industry has taken this taboo and shown the highs and lows of drug use. It is apparent to some that drug, alcohol, and tobacco use is glamorized on the big screen. This causes officials of the federal government to question where the downside to substance abuse is. There is an unglamorous side to substance abuse. People have slurred speech, hangovers, and getting into trouble with the police is a big problem with substance abuse (Riechmann 19A). If movies are going to portray drug use, they should also show the bad side to substance abuse. If they were to do so, the romance with drug use on the big screen might very well become diminished. It has recently been determined "people were depicted doing drugs, drinking or smoking in 98 percent of the top movie rentals and 27 percent of the most popular songs in 1996 and 1997. Fewer than half these movie scenes and song lyrics mentioned any downside to these activities" (Riechmann 19A). The Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Department of Health and Human Services commissioned the study of 200 films and 1,000 songs (Riechmann 19A). This proves the romance that America has with drug use in the movies. The movies present drug use in a manner in which wealth and luxury are portrayed. Drug kingpins are filthy rich. They have no lack for anything of a material nature. They have expensive homes and automobiles. They have jets or helicopters. They
Cited: Anderson, Annette "Criminal justice officials watch too many movies," Indianapolis Recorder, (1995): October 28, pp. PG. Dawsley, Kierna Mayo "Blunted," (rising use of marijuana), Vol. 27, Essence, (1996): August 1, pp. 73(5). Lynch, Gerald W.; Blotner, Roberta. "Legalizing drugs is not the solution.," (rebuttal to America Aug. 8, 1992 article by Joseph P. Kane), (Cover Story), America, (1993): Feb 13, v168, n5 pp. 7(3). Mohs, Mary E.; Ross, Ronald; Leonard-Green, Tina. "Nutritional effects of marijuana, heroin, cocaine and nicotine.," Journal of the American Dietetic Association, (1990): Sept., v90 n9, pp. 1261(7). Riechmann, Deb (Associated Press), "Study faults drug, alcohol messages: Songs, movies don 't expose youths to drawbacks enough, government says," The Dallas Morning News, (1999): April 29, pp. 19A. Riechmann, Deb (Associated Press), Study: Drugs, Liquor, Tobacco Shown in Most of Top Movies," The Columbian, (1999): April 28, pp. World/Nati. Sobieraj, Sandra (Associated Press), Clinton to Hollywood: Tone Down the Violence," The Columbian, (1999): May 16, pp. World/Nati. Sullum, Jacob "Hep-Cats, Narcs, and Pipe Dreams: A History of America 's Romance with Illegal Drugs," (book reviews), Vol. 29, Reason, (1997): July 1, pp. 60(5). OTHER SOURCES Anonymous "HBO movie 'Rebound ' tells story of Harlem street basketball player Earl 'The Goat ' Manigault," Jet, (1996): November 18, v91 n1 pp Frankel, David "Beth B." (artist), (Crosby Street Project, Anthology Film Archives), Artforum, (1996): March, v34 n7 pp. 99(1). Melton, Marissa "Reefer redux?" (director Stephen Gyllenhaal discusses his film 'Homegrown, ' which depicts the marijuana growing business), (Brief Article), (Interview), U.S. News &World Report, (1998): May 11, v124 n18 pp. 13(1). Sharkey, Betsy "Movies with a backbeat: Lindy DeKoven 's made-for-TV movies on NBC speak to young people in their own language," MEDIAWEEK, (1997): February 3, v7 n5 pp. 14(3). Smith, Ethan "Sheryl Crow kicks back," New York, (1998): September 14, v31 n35 pp. 86(3).