Paliwalar Patel, a very rich, old fashioned man who lives in a huge mansion, calls Mma Ramotswe concerned about his sixteen-year old daughter, Nandria. He is nervous and anxious that she has a secret boyfriend with whom she sneaks around. Mma Ramotswe is assigned to follow her and find out about this “boyfriend.” In this chapter, Mma Ramotswe’s perseverance and dedication really shows as she follows Nandria carefully wherever she goes, even coming back the next day after she lost her. “Mma Ramotswe judged it was time to go round the corner. She did so, expecting to see Nandria several hundred yards down the road, but when looked down it, the road was empty.” (Smith 106) Even after losing Nandria, she didn't give up quite yet. Her determination is so great that she went door to door, using her white lies to get some more information. The next day she followed Nandria to the mall with a friend, stalking them everywhere they went. At the end of the case, Mma Ramotswe finds out that there was no boyfriend and she was purposely leaving clues for him to get him angry. I thought the ending of that case was funny and
Paliwalar Patel, a very rich, old fashioned man who lives in a huge mansion, calls Mma Ramotswe concerned about his sixteen-year old daughter, Nandria. He is nervous and anxious that she has a secret boyfriend with whom she sneaks around. Mma Ramotswe is assigned to follow her and find out about this “boyfriend.” In this chapter, Mma Ramotswe’s perseverance and dedication really shows as she follows Nandria carefully wherever she goes, even coming back the next day after she lost her. “Mma Ramotswe judged it was time to go round the corner. She did so, expecting to see Nandria several hundred yards down the road, but when looked down it, the road was empty.” (Smith 106) Even after losing Nandria, she didn't give up quite yet. Her determination is so great that she went door to door, using her white lies to get some more information. The next day she followed Nandria to the mall with a friend, stalking them everywhere they went. At the end of the case, Mma Ramotswe finds out that there was no boyfriend and she was purposely leaving clues for him to get him angry. I thought the ending of that case was funny and