Vol. 1, No. 1
A Review of Marketing Mix: 4Ps or More?
Chai Lee Goi
Department of Marketing & Management, School of Business, Curtin University of Technology
CDT 250, 98009 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Tel: 60-85-443-939
E-mail: goi.chai.lee@curtin.edu.my
The main objective of this study is to review the present marketing mix applies particularly to the marketing. This study provides an idea to the marketers and can be used as tools to assist them in pursuing their marketing objectives. Borden
(1965) claims to be the first to have used the term marketing mix and that it was suggested to him by Culliton’s (1948).
McCarthy (1964) offered marketing mix, often referred to as the 4Ps, as a means of translating marketing planning into practice (Bennett, 1997). Marketing mix is originating from the single P (price) of microeconomic theory (Chong, 2003).
New Ps were introduced into the marketing scene in order to face up into a highly competitively charged environment
(Low and Tan, 1995). Even, Möller (2006) presents an up-to-date picture of the current standing in the debate around the Mix as marketing paradigm and predominant marketing management tool by reviewing academic views from five marketing management sub-disciplines (consumer marketing, relationship marketing, services marketing, retail marketing and industrial marketing) and an emerging marketing (E-Commerce). The concept of 4Ps has been criticised by number of studies, examples Lauterborn (1990), Möller (2006), Popovic (2006) and Fakeideas (2008). However, in spite of its deficiencies, the 4Ps remain a staple of the marketing mix. The subsequent Ps have yet to overcome a consensus about eligibility and agreement over the practical application (Kent and Brown, 2006).
Keywords: Marketing mix, P
1. Introduction
Marketing mix is originating from the single P (price) of microeconomic theory (Chong, 2003). McCarthy (1964) offered the “marketing mix”, often referred