The Romantic Period
The following assignment options provide opportunities for you to explore the ways in which writers of the Romantic period (1785–1830) influenced their own society as well as our modern culture.
Select and complete one of the following assignments:
Option 1: The Response of the Romantics in Their Time Option 2: Romantics of Our Time Option 3: Ask a Romantic
Option 1: The Response of the Romantics in Their Time
Literature does not occur in a vacuum but is generated in response to forces in the larger culture.
Resource: “The Romantic Period” (pp. 1363–1884) in The Norton Anthology of English Literature
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you develop specific answers to the following questions:
• Many possible forces can shape a society. Which forces is Romantic literature responding to? • What answer or answers does Romantic literature offer regarding these forces?
Focus on a single aspect of the following topics in your response:
• A major Romantic author, such as John Keats, Lord Byron, or Percy Bysshe Shelley • A single literary genre, such as lyric poetry • A specific category of social change—such as philosophical, political, religious, or economic change
Provide specific textual evidence from at least three literary works to illustrate Romantics’ responses to the social forces.
Format citations and references to The Norton Anthology consistent with APA guidelines. You may reference additional sources, but they are not required.
Option 2: Romantics of Our Time
In many ways, the modern world was shaped by the Romantic period. Unlike with works from most earlier literary periods, people still read Romantic poetry voluntary, outside a classroom setting, and value the Romantics’ ideals of self-expression and profound emotion. Their embrace of nature continues today in the modern environmental movement.
Resource: “The Romantic