Emergence of Mobile Commerce in Developing Countries
Helen U. Eno
INFO 5303-02: Info Tech and the Future
Oklahoma Christian University
Dr. Kimberly Merritt
September 26, 2011
Mobile Commerce or M-commerce as it is more commonly referred to is simply the ability to do business electronically without any physical limitations or barriers. This is more popular with the use of smartphones today and other mobile devices.
After researching several journals and articles, it is obvious at this point that there is no standard definition of the term “Mobile Commerce.” Many authors and writers have coined phrases and come up with definitions that are similar to each other; the general idea is similar but the words in the different definitions vary somewhat. However, one acceptable definition is used and this comes from Liang and Wei (2004), “M-Commerce generally refers to the use of wireless devices (particularly mobile phones) to conduct electronic business transactions, such as product ordering, fund transfers, and stock trading” (p. 7).
M-Commerce was formed as a result of the Internet and mobile computing coming together to create a new business area. The benefits of Mobile Commerce are almost endless and a few will be discussed later in the analysis. However, the focus of this paper is the emergence of this trend in developing countries with emphasis on Africa- Nigeria to be precise.
The population of Nigeria is over 150 million boasting one of the largest markets in Africa. Akpan-Obong (2009) states that “Nigeria is a major actor in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector in Africa, Nigeria has so far recorded significant achievements in ICT utilization, and has recorded higher growth rates in the penetration and diffusion levels of ICT” (p. 208). With Mobile Commerce rapidly taking over the business world, it is important to gain an understanding
References: Agboola, A. A. (2006). Electronic Payment Systems and Tele-banking Services in Nigeria, Journal of Internet banking and Commerce, 11, 11-15. Akpan-Obong, P. (2009). Are Nigeria SMEs Effectively Utilizing ICT?, International Journal of Business and Management, 6, 6. Ayo, C. K., Ekong, U. O., Tolulope, F. I., Ayodele, A. A. (2007). M-Commerce Implementation in Nigeria: Trends and Issues. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 11, 3 Duffey, K. (1998). The New Wireless Age [Online] retrieved on September 17,2011 http://www.singapore.cnet.com/Ebusiness/Ecommerce/Mcommerce/ss01.html. Greengard, S. (2008). Upwardly Mobile, Communications of the ACM, 51, 17-19 Liang, T., and Wei, C. (2004). Introduction to the Special Issue: Mobile Commerce Applications, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 8, 7. Peter, M., Philip, M., and Victor, M. (2005). Towards a model of consumer use of mobile information and communication technology in LDCs, Information Systems Journal, 15, 130-146