Over the past two decades, we have witnessed significant technology advances in mobile devices, from the personal data assistants (PDAs) of the late 1990s and early 2000s to the ubiquitous and multifunctional smartphones of today. These advances have extended the virtual boundaries of the enterprise, blurring the lines between home and office and coworker and competitor by providing constant access to email, enabling new mobile business applications and allowing the access to, and storing of, sensitive company data. Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, proliferate in today’s corporate environments. While there are significant opportunities to leverage these devices to increase the effectiveness of mobile workers, there are also significant concerns about the privacy of sensitive corporate data stored on the devices that IT must handle. Key Findings:
• Extensive use of mobile devices connecting to corporate networks
--89% have mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets connecting to corporate networks
--Apple iOS is the most common mobile platform used to connect in corporate environments
• Personal mobile devices that connect to corporate networks are extensive and growing
--65% allow personal devices to connect to corporate networks
--78% say there are more than twice as many personal devices connecting to corporate networks now than compared to two years ago
• Security risks are on the rise because of mobile devices
--71% say mobile devices have contributed to increased security incidents
--The Android mobile platform is considered to introduce the greatest security risks
• Employee behavior impacts security of mobile data
--47% report customer data is stored on mobile devices
--Lack of employee awareness about security policies ranked as having the greatest impact on the security of mobile data
--72% say careless employees are a greater security threat than hacker
Mobile device risks
References: : 1) http://about-threats.trendmicro.com/us/mobile 2) http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/labs_global/mobile-security 3) http://ftc.gov/opa/2013/02/mobilethreats.shtm