A Project Report
Submitted by
Deep Doshi 317
Karan Patel 360
Jigar Mehta 437
Under the guidance of
Professor Vipul Gohil
in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering
NMIMS (Deemed-to-be-University)
JVPD Scheme Bhaktivedanta swami Marg,
Vile Parle (w), Mumbai- 400056.
April 2012
This is to certify that the Project entitled “Mobile Operated Robot” is the bonafide work carried out by Deep Doshi (317), Karan Patel (360) and Jigar Mehta (437), of B.Tech(Computer Engineering), MPSTME (NMIMS), Mumbai during the XII Trimester of the academic year 2012, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelors of Technology as per the norms prescribed by NMIMS. The project work has been assessed and found to be satisfactory.
_______________ Prof Vipul Gohil Internal Mentor
___________________ ____________________ Examiner 1 Examiner 2
Dr. D. J. SHAH
We, Deep Doshi (317), Karan Patel (360) and Jigar Mehta (437) B.Tech (Computer Engineering), XII trimester understand that plagiarism is defined as any one or the combination of the following: 1. Un-credited verbatim copying of individual sentences, paragraphs or illustration (such as graphs, diagrams, etc.) from any source, published or unpublished, including the internet. 2. Un-credited improper paraphrasing of pages paragraphs (changing a few words phrases, or rearranging the original sentence order) 3. Credited verbatim copying of a major portion of a paper (or thesis chapter) without clear delineation of who did wrote what. (Source: IEEE, The institute, Dec. 2004) 4. I have made