Case Studies
Global Partnerships
Mobile Usage in India and The Philippines – Part 3
Part 3 of a 4-part series on mobile usage in India and The Philippines
18.07.13 Jana Research Technology
We have already presented part one and part two of our four-part series on mobile usage in India and The Philippines. Today we present part three. Each day we will release a new graphic containing data from a survey of over 1,000 Jana mobile research panel members. The survey was conducted on July 16, 2013 in India and The Philippines. Part three focuses on the brand of mobile phone consumers plan to buy next.
Take a look at the results of our survey below. Be sure to check back each day this week for a new set of data. If you would like to submit a question to our emerging market research panels, reach out to us on Twitter: @Jana and we may ask your question in our next survey.
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9/10/2013 8:14 PM
Mobile Usage in India and The Philippines – Part 3 - Jana Mobile
Case Studies
Global Partnerships
Part three of our four-part series on mobile usage in India and The Philippines. Check back each day this week for a new set of charts. Each graphic contains data from a survey of over 1,000 Jana mobile research panel members conducted on July 16, 2013 in under 24 hours. To conduct your own Jana Research surveys, visit us at, reach out to us on Twitter: @Jana, or email
Check back tomorrow for a full summary of the results from our survey on mobile usage in India and The Philippines. Want to submit a question for our research panels? Reach out to us on Twitter: @Jana
In both India and The Philippines, Samsung