Date: 1-27-13
School: West Limestone
9.04 Mobilization for War Essay (40 points total)
Nazi leader, Herman Goering, stated "the Americans can't build planes—only electric iceboxes and razor blades.” In your own words, prove how the United States defied this statement and how ultimately our production helped the Allies win the war. In your essay, you need to include five of the following words or phrases.
Arsenal of Democracy
Consumer goods
Food Production
Technological innovations
National War Labor Relations Board
Manhattan Project
Herman Goering thought that no Air force or military in the world could stand up to that of the Nazi Luftwaffe. His boastful statement was made with well acclaim in that the Luftwaffe was a very powerful aerial force, but he was being narrow-minded when he made this statement against the production potential of the United States, which has time and time again has proved to be the most powerful nation in the world. Without the military production of the United States, the Allies would not have had a chance against the Germans and their powerful forces. Through many changes, the labor and production force of the U.S. changed from producing civilian goods, to producing military goods. These goods were supplied to all nations of the Allied Powers, and the United States quickly became the most important factor in World War II. Starting in 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised to help the United Kingdom fight Nazi Germany by providing them with military supplies, but while staying out of actual combat. Roosevelt gave a radio broadcast on December 29, 1940, to address Americans to support the Allies in Europe and China, in their war against Germany and Japan. He called the nation an “Arsenal of Democracy” to reference the powerful industrial machine it is, and how it can be the supplier of military goods to the Allied war