New Community Staff Partner (SP)
Returning Committee Chair (Chair)
New Logistics Chair (Logistics)
Team Development Chair – Past Top Team Captain (Team D)
Survivor/Caregiver Chair – Also a Survivor (SCC)
Scene: Large table with chairs around the table, flipchart, and an audience; each character has a table tent with his/her name and role. All characters are at the table with the exception of the Team Development Chair, who will come in late.
Chair: Welcome everyone to the meeting and take role call. Call out everyone at the table and also acknowledge that there were a few people that couldn’t make it tonight, including your Entertainment Chair, Kids’ Activities Chair, Sponsorship Chair, and Registration & Accounting Chair.
Point out how the Team Development Chair is not in attendance, and ask whether anyone knows he/she they is.
All: Shake your heads; you haven’t heard from the Team Development Chair since the last meeting.
Setting the Meeting Agenda
Chair: Review the meeting agenda flipchart of things to discuss, and ask the committee members whether they have any additional things to add.
SCC: Ask whether there is time at the end of the meeting to brainstorm post-event survivor and caregiver engagement strategies; you could really use some help.
Chair: Tell the Survivor/Caregiver Chair that time will be tight, but if you cannot discuss it today, you can talk after the meeting either one on one or with those who can stay to discuss.
Chair: Ask for someone to take the meeting notes for today.
Logistics: Volunteer to take the notes.
Suddenly, the Team D Chair bursts into the room, late to the meeting. There are not enough chairs at the table for the Team D person to sit. Someone in the group has to leave the meeting to find a chair.
Team D: Apologize for being late, and ask the group what you missed.
Chair: (ANNOYED) Tell the Team D