Medical marijuana is not the same as street marijuana, which is highly believed among the people who I have talked to about this subject. Now, I cannot speak for everyone in this state, so do not take this as a “state-wide” opinion. While street marijuana is very mind altering and highly addictive, medical marijuana is made from “whole unprocessed marijuana plants or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom”. The chemicals, cannabinoids, specifically THC and CBD, found in these unprocessed marijuana plants has led to two FDA-approved medications in pill form. THC, the mind-altering component to marijuana, although mind-altering, does have its perks. It can be used as an anti-nausea or appetite reducing medication and also can aid with inflammation and muscle problems. CBD, is not mind or behavior altering and aids in reducing inflammation and pain, controlling epileptic seizures, and some mental illnesses. Medical marijuana can be dispensed in many forms such as oils, inhalants, and pill form including suppositories. Now, like everything else, medical marijuana does have its cons to its pros. Majority of the cons I’ve found when researching the topic has been its harm
Medical marijuana is not the same as street marijuana, which is highly believed among the people who I have talked to about this subject. Now, I cannot speak for everyone in this state, so do not take this as a “state-wide” opinion. While street marijuana is very mind altering and highly addictive, medical marijuana is made from “whole unprocessed marijuana plants or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom”. The chemicals, cannabinoids, specifically THC and CBD, found in these unprocessed marijuana plants has led to two FDA-approved medications in pill form. THC, the mind-altering component to marijuana, although mind-altering, does have its perks. It can be used as an anti-nausea or appetite reducing medication and also can aid with inflammation and muscle problems. CBD, is not mind or behavior altering and aids in reducing inflammation and pain, controlling epileptic seizures, and some mental illnesses. Medical marijuana can be dispensed in many forms such as oils, inhalants, and pill form including suppositories. Now, like everything else, medical marijuana does have its cons to its pros. Majority of the cons I’ve found when researching the topic has been its harm