(Rando, 1993) developed a model system of mourning which people go through when they adapt to their mourning losses. People are distinctively different in which they employ variety ways of coping which is very effective for them to eradicate the feeling of being bereaved or loss by acknowledging the reality of death. For example (Rando 1993) proved there is the phase of the ‘r’ process of how people cope in which one is to recognise loss by acknowledging that it has happened and facing the reality. This occurs through the continual meeting of the non-presence of the deceased. …show more content…
People search for consolation they used to have before the loss and try to fill the emptiness with something which can replace the feeling from the past. Parkes and Bowlby stated that if the feeling of emptiness cannot be filled or revoked, people they are likely to spend their whole life trying a replacement of that certain person they have lost. The third stage illustrates the disorganisation and despair of the individual’s experiences of depression, anxiety, loneliness, hopeless, guilty and confused full of isolation. It also shows that the person has accepted the reality of everything not changing and will not go back the way it was