Time : 3 Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
PART A – (10*2=20 Marks)
1. What is the principal economic basis for international trade? 2. How does exchange rate determination prevail in international business? 3. What are the constraints in globalization of business? 4. Why does the regional trade blocks emerge in business? 5. Why does MNEs differ in their strategic planning? 6. What are the standard approaches to global competition? 7. What are the administrative mechanisms for strategic control of MNEs? 8. Mention any two special measurement techniques used by MNEs. 9. Mention any three conflict resolution mechanisms followed in International business 10. How does WTO settle disputes in international business?
PART B – (5*16=80 Marks) 11.a) Explain the approaches in international trade theories. How do product life cycle approach and balance of payments vary in international trade? (or) 11.b) Discuss about strategies for coping with foreign exchange rates. Describe the impact of exchange rate fluctuations.
12.a) Draw a frame work of global trade. Examine various dimensions at institutions in the world economy. (or) 12.b) How does the high emerging market shape global economy? Explain implications of regionalism for India.
13.a) Briefly explain the corporate goals and global strategy of MNEs. (or) 13.b) Compare and contrast strategic issues of global firms in