The Model U.N was founded in Plattsburgh in 2008 by the students as an activity to stay involved and improve the public speaking skills. This club’s aim is to help people develop their personal skill and build up confidence to improve their debating skills. The format is based on U.N where university students assume responsibility as representative of different countries and debate about the issues in the world.
The Clubs beings to functioning at the starting of every semester with an introductory meeting which the new and existing members attend, this meeting to formulate the plan for model U.N that semester. The secretary of the club minutes the meeting collects all the information and imput from the members and makes a formal document, this has a list of all the members and their duties. The president brings up the issues on the plan sheet and discusses it with the members who give there ideas as input and also suggest new issue that have to be addressed. The best part of the club is that it is totally run by the students in a disciplined manner , it’s a good way for students to develop ideas and time management skill . Last meeting they bought up the discussion of going to another college for the model U.N, which is a very good idea because it will help students get exposed to other colleges as well as meet different people and get their insight on the issue in there world.
The clubs meeting is about an hour long and very specific in nature, the whole meeting is planned out from before and conducted in a semi formal manner. The council member’s in the model U.N are selected democratically and stay in-term for that semester. All the positions have certain task assigned to them according to their job. The position holders are removed or changed if they do not full fill their duties or if they do not attend the meeting regularly.
Since the club has members from different nationalities, it is very help full because it helps us