S. M. Lukic and A. Emado Illinois Institute of Technology
Abstract: In most industrial applications of motor drives, motors operate at one or a few predefued operating points. However in propulsion applications, the motor is used over the entire torqudspeed range. Therefore, the motor has to be studied at all possible torqudspeed combinations within the motor operating envelope. Efficiency maps are a convenient way to represent motor drive subsystem of a large, complex, system like a vehicle. Efficiency maps give the system engineer an idea about the torqudspeed combinations at which a specific electrical motor drive is eflicient, thus allowing for a more efficient design. In this report we look over the efficiency characteristics of motors that are most commonly used for propulsion applications. We also quantify typical load on motor drives in vehicles that use electric propulsion - namely Electric Vehicles (EV) and Hyhrid Electric Vehicles (HEV).
In most industrial applications of motor drives, motors operate at one or a few predefined operating points. Therefore the motor can be optimized to give the best performance at these specific points, and the efficiency of the system is well defined. However in propulsion applications, the motor is used over the entire torqudspeed range. The motor must be designed for frequent stadstop, and high acceleration and deceleration rates (meaning high torque output for the entire speed range) [I]. Hence. the motor needs high torque density and efficiency at all speeds [2]. Also, the motor drive needs high controllability, steady state accuracy, and good transient performance [3-51. Therefore the performance characteristic of a propulsion motor must be quite different from the industrial motor drive. The motor has to be studied at all possible torqudspeed combinations within the motor’s operating envelope.
References: Volume: 37 Issue: 5 , Sept.-Oct. 2001 Page(s): 1256 -1264 15 6. C.C. Chan, ‘“The state of the art of electric and hybrid vehicles” Proceedings o fhe IEEE, Volume: 90 f Issue: 2 . Feb. 2002 Page(s): 247 -275 549 Authorized licensed use limited to: Institutsbibliothek Fuer Informatik. Downloaded on March 31, 2009 at 03:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.