They possess neither the technology nor the advanced methods of criminology that we do today making it infinitely more difficult to tell who is lying and who is telling the truth. However, there are many very simple mistakes they are making while trying to determine the guilty party. When judging someone for their crimes or in The Crucible’s case “sins” it would be wise to leave emotion out of it and judge based off of sole logic. Our characters seem incapable of this considering every conversation they have ends up in an argument or shouting. A huge difference between society in The Crucible and our modern society, is the amount of emotion we allow to affect our decisions. The character are driven almost exclusively by faith, fear, and emotion. Not much room for logical reasoning when they are too busy accusing everyone else to save their own hide, or out of pure fear that the other characters are involved with witchcraft. This is most likely the largest contrast in the play from our society. We are human so therefore we experience emotion, we do have fears but it seems we possess a superior and more mature grasp on our emotions then they do in
They possess neither the technology nor the advanced methods of criminology that we do today making it infinitely more difficult to tell who is lying and who is telling the truth. However, there are many very simple mistakes they are making while trying to determine the guilty party. When judging someone for their crimes or in The Crucible’s case “sins” it would be wise to leave emotion out of it and judge based off of sole logic. Our characters seem incapable of this considering every conversation they have ends up in an argument or shouting. A huge difference between society in The Crucible and our modern society, is the amount of emotion we allow to affect our decisions. The character are driven almost exclusively by faith, fear, and emotion. Not much room for logical reasoning when they are too busy accusing everyone else to save their own hide, or out of pure fear that the other characters are involved with witchcraft. This is most likely the largest contrast in the play from our society. We are human so therefore we experience emotion, we do have fears but it seems we possess a superior and more mature grasp on our emotions then they do in