Modern dance is For some people it simply means "not classical ballet," by which they mean not rooted in an established academic code of movement. This usage, however, lumps together genres that are better understood in their particularity such as Post Modern Dance and New Dance. Modern Dance can now be used as a historic term referring to a particular group of choreographers and the tradition of dance values they established. the term is used to describe a variety of styles that developed in the early 20th century as a reaction to classical ballet. Its exponents viewed classical ballet as decadent and moribund. They believed that ballet had drifted away from the prime motives of dance and had become little more than a bourgeois confection. Traditionalists retaliated by referring to modern dance as "barefoot ballet." This was the debate that informed the breakaway movement we now refer to as modern dance.
How and why did it begin
The turn of the 20th century, many dance artists were beginning to rebel against the constraints of classical ballet. They wished for a dance form where emotions, feelings and ideas could be readily expressed, and were more important than tricks and technical virtuosity. New and abstract forms in the worlds of music, theatre and visual art influenced these artists as well, and so modern dance, a truly American art form was born. Modern dance has continued to grow and develop over the past 100 years.
The founders
There are many founders, people have different opinions on who actually started it. But heres some that stand out. Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, and Martha Graham
Isadora Duncan, Dancer, adventurer, revolutionist, ardent defender of the poetic spirit, Isadora Duncan has been one of the most enduring influences on 20th century culture. Ironically, the very magnitude of her achievements as an artist, as well as the sheer excitement and tradgedy of her life, have tended to dim our awareness of the