When I’m dreaming multiple scenarios are put into my head, some of them made me so horrified all I remember was being scared rather than the actual dream itself! Others, were so confusing and twisted that remembering it made my hairs stick up, giving me goose bumps. In Marvel’s classic Spiderman movies, Peter Parker got bit by a spider, to be honest getting bitten and gaining powers is one of the last things I would dream about. My dreams always had some demonized, possessed, ring to it that always troubled me when I woke up. When I was in the fifth grade, I had this dream I would never forget. I was cleaning out my garage and I walked down the driveway with a box that weighed a hundred pounds. When I placed it down it had no label on it, making me instantly wonder what was inside, after all it was so heavy. I carefully lifted a flap and out sprung a spider, and then another, and another, until there were so many they began to pour out like water overflowing in a bathtub. I ran and crawled back, but I was too late one spider the size of blimp had clenched on to my legs, it pinned me down and stared at me. That’s when I woke up, panting, still feeling it’s fuzzy boney legs rubbing against my skin. Dreams, are the evilest of all, with this fear my mind generates some of the most scariest situations enabling me to …show more content…
Ever since 2001 I have always panicked resulting in situations unsolved and my fear to yet again barge into my life. Fear will always effect the way I act, think and feel, it is the emotion that can take me over and make me surrender with second. As Ralph Waldo Emerson, once said “ Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the