nowadays our society has enjoyed the benefits of having modern
nowadays our society has enjoyed the benefits of having modern
As seen from today, the most important thing that changed or developed the world is the internet, and it is the greatest innovation of human beings. Even though the internet invented just few decades ago, it becomes part of the human life today. Without the internet, the human life seems impossible or insufficient. The internet has thousands of advantages, but it also has some disadvantages. It allows individuals to communicate each other more easy and fast. For example, people send e-mail across the world just for a second; they can chat and see each other through the Skype or any other messenger regardless of the distance. Also, it allows people to increase their knowledge because they can find any types of information from the internet. Therefore, people can study in the U.S University even though they are living in other country. Nowadays, lots of universities offer online study for the international student. In addition, the internet allows people to save time. For example, people do not have to go department store or mall to buy something; they can buy that from online shops. They do not have to go banks to make some payments or exchanges; they…
Advances in technology cause great controversy. These controversies are centered around the influences technology has on the people who engage in different types of technology. In the article titled “Out Semi-Literate Youth? Not So Fast” by Andrea Lunsford, she explains the importance of technology and how, in most cases, technology is able to help develop students. In another article titled “Hal and Me” by Nicholas Carr, he stresses the point that technology is pushing ‘the good life’ to the wayside. Although both authors have different opinions when it comes to technology, they both agree that changes are occurring due to technological influences on peoples’ brains. Technology plays an extremely large role in the lives of the people in this world, it is important that everyone understands that changes that come with the advances of technology.…
We cannot imagine our life without internet, it become internal part of our life. Some researcher considered internet to be the greatest innovation of modern’s time. Suppose the facility of internet given to us taken by someone forcibly, then imagine our life without it.…
The internet is one of the most amazing inventions of man. The internet has greatly revolutionalized how we do our everyday tasks. It plays a very vital and effective role in the lives of every human being. It has been one of the most outstanding innovations in the field of communication; it is indeed a wonderful addition to our lives. The internet can be known as a kind of global meeting place where people from all parts of the world can come together. It is a service available on the computer through which everything under the sun is now at the fingertips of anyone who has access to the internet. It is a vast network of computers that connect many of the world’s businesses, institutions and individuals. It is easily assessable from home for anyone who has a modem and a computer. It has made a huge impact since its introduction to the public.…
The internet was first used as tool to learn and experience the world from sitting in your home. Today it is a mode of communication, socialization, and entertainment venue as the world has never known. It is also a business tool used to keep a company in constant communication with all employees, as well as a system to buy and sell goods.…
Generation by generation we have watched as America has grown into a highly technological society. Advancements in medicine, phones, factory operations, and everyday household items are just a few examples of what modern day technology has brought to us. Modernized technology has given us a new way of life and has flipped our society upside down. So the question is have cell phones, PDAs, and computers changed the standards of living?…
To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business. Furthermore, the World Wide Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. For example, people can access news, medical advice, online education courses and much more via the internet. It is evident that these improvements have made life far easier and more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades to come.…
One of the basic needs of mankind is “Communication”, and to fulfill this need in a better way man is working hard. From the age of stone writing to the era of digital development we are making our communication better. In this way journey the most dynamic and revolutionary development is “Internet”. The internet is computer based global information system. It is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link thousands of computers enabling them to share information. The internet has brought a transformation in every aspects of life. It is one of the biggest contributors in making the world into a global village. Use of internet has grown tremendously since it was introduced. It is mostly because of its flexibility. Nowadays one can access the internet easily. Without the coordination of internet, the transcend of communication would not be at the level, it is at right now. Internet makes possible for every one to read a web site from anywhere around the world but in this web conversation, one couldn’t have complete image of one’s personality or general life style. Therefore this communication was limited i.e. just to read a website. Such communication would be a low level of communication.…
Commonly known as the Internet, the world's largest network is used extensively throughout the world today. Since its creation in 1983, the Internet has continued to grow in popularity and use as a commercial and private communications medium. Millions of people throughout the world use the Internet in a variety of ways, ranging from personal conversations to on-line shopping. According to a survey compiled by Nua Ltd in 1999, the number of Internet users rose from 26 million in 1995 to 205 million in 1999, an increase of almost 700% (Nua Ltd)! With such an explosive increase, how then has the Internet affected us personally, and how has it affected the way we do business? The answers to these questions include changes in the way people obtain information, interact, work, learn and conduct business.<br><br>Given the Internet's original purpose is to share information, it is no wonder that the most important asset of the Internet is the wealth of information that can be found on the Internet (Maney 3). Information previously found only in libraries and encyclopedias is now available on the Internet; in addition, news, weather, and movie listings are also made available on the Internet. Internet users constantly remain informed of the world around them by reading news from the New York Times, USA Today, San Jose Mercury News, Los Angeles Times and many other newspapers found on-line. Even those like myself who are far away from home can keep in touch by reading local newspapers published on the Internet.<br><br>Along with the vast amount of information, the Internet also provides almost instant sharing and distribution of information. Through the use of electronic mail, people all over the world can "send information to far-away places cheaply, easily and in great volume much more than any medium before it" (Maney 3). This form of communication known as email is the most widely used tool of the Internet today. <br><br>Another invention of the Internet is the chat…
The internet functions in many different areas and it’s always useful and helpful to everyone in order to accomplish their different needs. For example, internet services such as E-mail provides a great mean of communication, not only between businesses (B2B) but also its very useful between businesses and customers (B2C) as well and customers to customers’ (C2C) communications too. The Internet is also considered to be the most common, advantageous and fastest source of gathering information, for instance the services that the internet presents such as the World Wide Web (WWW) holds tremendous amount of information, much of which is easily accessible and available 24 hours per day. Also, another use of internet’s wide services is that you can process payments through it very easily and smoothly; there are so many advantages of online payments/transactions which the internet’s service provides. Some of…
Internet can be defined as the wired or wireless mode of communication through which one can receive, transmit information that can be used for single or multiple operations. The internet is an extraordinary entertainment and learning tool that can be utilized in a number of modes to increase the ability of a user to collect information. The principal components of the internet are World Wide Web (www) and email. With the passage of time, the internet has become the most effective business tool in the contemporary world. It can be described as a global meeting place where people from every corner of the world can come together simultaneously.…
The invention of the printing press made it possible for scientists and politicians to communicate their ideas with ease, leading to the Age of Enlightenment; an example of technology as a cultural force.…
Foremost in focus, internet makes our life easier. According to Bodden, V (2008), some people called the internet as the “information superhighway”, owing to the fact that it assists people in searching and getting information easily and faster. In the past, it is…
As we know, a long time ago it was really hard to communicate with each other or even people from outsiders. With the development of technology, at last telephone was made and it is used till now. Those genius people made many useful stuff such as telephone, mobile-phone, airplane, computer and so on. However, those kind of items were really rare in the past, but now it is really common to everyone and almost everyone has it. Presently, there is one useful thing that is used by everyone to communicate with each other quickly and simplely, which is Internet. Internet is a browsing system that is use by using a computer or mobile-phons. In fact, by using internet, people can communicate with others even with a long distance. Moreover, it may also be used for gaming, web-browsing, chatting, downloading, sharing files, etc.…
the question i have prepared in my survey about Modern Technology I thank our almighty good for…