Bibliography: Andre Gunder Frank, (1969).Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin. American Monthly Review Press, New York. Desai and Potter (2002). The sociology of modernization and Development. Allen Unwin, London. Eisenstaedt S (1966). Modernization and change. Englewood Cliffs: prentice Hall. Frik De Beer. (2001).Introduction to Development Studies. (2th edition) Oxford University Press, Cape Town. McClelland, D.C. (1961) The Achieving Society. Van Nostrand, Princeton. Paul Baran. (1962).The political economy of growth .Monthly Review press, New York. Spru, R.K. (1994).Development Administration. Stering Publishers, New Delhi. Todaro. (2008),Economic Development.(8th edition)peasorson publication, New Delhi. World Bank (2002). World Development Report. Oxford University Press, New York
Bibliography: Andre Gunder Frank, (1969).Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin. American Monthly Review Press, New York. Desai and Potter (2002). The sociology of modernization and Development. Allen Unwin, London. Eisenstaedt S (1966). Modernization and change. Englewood Cliffs: prentice Hall. Frik De Beer. (2001).Introduction to Development Studies. (2th edition) Oxford University Press, Cape Town. McClelland, D.C. (1961) The Achieving Society. Van Nostrand, Princeton. Paul Baran. (1962).The political economy of growth .Monthly Review press, New York. Spru, R.K. (1994).Development Administration. Stering Publishers, New Delhi. Todaro. (2008),Economic Development.(8th edition)peasorson publication, New Delhi. World Bank (2002). World Development Report. Oxford University Press, New York