Why women exploitation and trafficking is so prevalent in the world today? Although there are Non-governmental organization, governmental organization and individual efforts in place which attempt to combats the trends of exploitation and trafficking, there patterns are more common today than at any other point in women history. The economic movement of liberalization and the process of modernization will be considered as contributors to today exploitation and women trafficking. These are more women exploitation today than ever before, the practice is not new. In the past, women exploitation accepted as a fact of women life. Historically, women were used mainly as domestic exploitation in the name of religion as well as patriarchal culture, or the other hand dasi, agricultural worker, house worker etc. Today, job can range from making bricks to forced prostitution, bar tender, commercial sexual worker, comfort women and so on. So here some distinction exploitation today those in the past, “the difference between today and ancient period of time is that the past women exploitation were in the name of patriarchal culture, religion and so on,” but now today women exploitation is very abuse and illicit activities in the name of modernization and development. In the era of globalization most of the people aware from lot of things like technology. Cyberspace, transportation infrastructure etc., on the other hand exploitation come in the form of a beautiful, innocent teenage girl, trafficked in to sexual exploitation and cheap labours by strangers or elite people of the society and the traffickers. Today women exploitation is very harmful activities, because today women use as a commodities, and her freedom and rights are never considered. During eighteenth century in enlightenment, philosophers “established new definitions of human freedom
Why women exploitation and trafficking is so prevalent in the world today? Although there are Non-governmental organization, governmental organization and individual efforts in place which attempt to combats the trends of exploitation and trafficking, there patterns are more common today than at any other point in women history. The economic movement of liberalization and the process of modernization will be considered as contributors to today exploitation and women trafficking. These are more women exploitation today than ever before, the practice is not new. In the past, women exploitation accepted as a fact of women life. Historically, women were used mainly as domestic exploitation in the name of religion as well as patriarchal culture, or the other hand dasi, agricultural worker, house worker etc. Today, job can range from making bricks to forced prostitution, bar tender, commercial sexual worker, comfort women and so on. So here some distinction exploitation today those in the past, “the difference between today and ancient period of time is that the past women exploitation were in the name of patriarchal culture, religion and so on,” but now today women exploitation is very abuse and illicit activities in the name of modernization and development. In the era of globalization most of the people aware from lot of things like technology. Cyberspace, transportation infrastructure etc., on the other hand exploitation come in the form of a beautiful, innocent teenage girl, trafficked in to sexual exploitation and cheap labours by strangers or elite people of the society and the traffickers. Today women exploitation is very harmful activities, because today women use as a commodities, and her freedom and rights are never considered. During eighteenth century in enlightenment, philosophers “established new definitions of human freedom