was founded, the push to break away from the monarchy set America up with the ability to create its own government. This was a leading in step in the government that modern America has today. Without the break away from monarchy, there would be no democracy. America’s first president, George Washington, set many precedents for those who would follow him. Many things that Washington did during his presidency set an example for other presidents, some of which modern day presidents still follow (Veit, Unit 4, Lecture 1). Without Washington to lead the way for other presidents, American politics may not have modernized the way it did. As time went on, the government became more complex as interest built. The creation of the Federalist party which included Washington, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton, and the Republican party, which included James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. These parties set up the form that modern government still has. Having two parties with opposing views created an election process with two competing bodies which is still represented in modern day government. Political decisions and the governments influence on events in history have modernized America. Presidents have moved America to modernization, such as when Jefferson decided to go through with the Louisiana Purchase and to take control of the land on the continent (Veit, Unit 4, Lecture 2). President’s political decisions and political beliefs have shaped the events that have occurred in America’s history to modernize and help it to move forward.
From the Civil War to the Reconstruction period, many changes occurred in America including the want to expand west. This want to expand west is explained in James Harris Guy’s poem, “The White Man Wants the Indians Homes”. Guy states, “He envies them their land; And with the sweetest words he comes to get it, if he can” (Guy, 1878). Americans had a large want to expand, which meant taking over Indian land. The government implemented the Homestead Act to encourage people to settle on new land. The Homestead Act was, “That gave away 160 acres of public land to any settler who would live and labor on it.” (Veit, Unit 7, Lecture 1, 15:24). This expansion westward helped to expand the amount of settled land, and grow to the countries boundaries. This also led to western cowboys and a pioneer lifestyle. Harriet Taylor describes this lifestyle, “I drove the hay rack occasionally, but was not a real success at it. I grew so excited under the responsibility that I would forget to release the hay at the proper time.” (Taylor, 1870). The idea of this time was that anyone could rise up, no matter their education level, and become successful on their own (Veit, Unit 7, Lecture 4). This is the mindset that drove the westward expansion and led to modern day America. During the civil war, many battles took place that led to the eventual end of slavery. This time in history was an awful time for both the north and the south. In a protest to the burden of the war, M.Z. Vance, the governor of North Carolina in 1863 describes, “husbands now fighting for the big man negros are determd to have bredd out of these barns & that at a price that we can pay or we will slaughter as we go” (M.Z. vance, 1863). This describes the cut throat nature of the war, and how the north and south were going to stop at nothing before they were victorious. This war took a toll not just on the men fighting in it, but also the women at home taking care of the home life. Women were left behind to take care of the country, which was not the usual role that women played in society, showing how the role of women was modernizing (Veit, Unit 7, Lecture 1). A woman describes her feelings about her husband and the war by saying, “Tell him, I say I’m sorry he finds it so hard to do his duty. But as he does, I shall do mine, an’ I shall always pray de Lord bless him.” (Husband and Wife Reunion). This describes the hard times that men and also women endured during the Civil War, and the many battles that was associated with it. As the civil war ended, many people acted out against the ending of slavery.
The government designed Freedman’s Bureau in order to, “ease the transition from slavery to freedom.” (Veit, Unit 7, Lecture 3, 2:52). With this bureau also came the passing of the 14th amendment, which made African Americans citizens of America. The Freedman of Edisto Island write in a letter to the President, “Do therefore petition to you as the President of the United States, that some provisions be made by which every colored man can purchase land.” (Demand Land, 1865). This letter shows how even though there was no more slavery, African Americans were still fighting for the same rights as whites. The Black Codes were created to be able to set rule for African Americans. The Black Can be described as, “a clear attempt to restore slavery in everything but the name.” (Veit, Unit 7, Lecture 2, 21:24). African Americans also encountered hate in more radical forms, with the creation of the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK went on rampages to restore white supremacy and defeat the Republicans (Veit, Unit 7, Lecture 3). In a testimony against the KKK, someone describes, “They took me out of bed; they would not let me get out, but they took me up in their arms and toted me out – me and my daughter Lucy. He struck me on the forehead with a pistol, and here is the scar above my eye now” (Klan Testimony). This is an example of the violence the KKK had towards other. Even though African Americans were now free in …show more content…
America, the violence and oppression towards them was unescapable. Politics have helped to modernize America through history.
Politics itself has modernized, but has also affected events that have shaped America to how it is today. Also, the time between the civil war and the reconstruction modernized America by expanding west. Also, women took on a role in the home that they haven’t before. African Americans continue their long fight for freedom, but push forward with recognition that they are citizens of America. This all shows how America modernized to what it is