Case Study – Modernization of NTUC Income Prof. Ray Ganotice
1. What were the problems faced by Income in this case? How were the problems resolved by the new digital system?
- Income had problems with how they process their insurance because it is very tedious and paper-based. The way they do business costs them time, because it takes them more days to finish a certain request for insurance; money, because they need to upgrade HP3000 mainframe that frequently breaks; space, because it is paper-based, all forms were put into cartons and resulted to occupying 3 warehouses.
Income’s problems were resolved in June 2003 when they switched to Java based eBao LifeSystem from eBao Technology. Because of eBao’s hi-tech features, it covered Policy Administration, Sales Management, and Supplementary Resources.
2. What types of information systems and business processes were used by Income before migrating to the fully digital system?
- Income used HP3000 mainframe that hosted the core insurance applications as well as the accounting and management information systems. They also used COBOL programs that were developed in the early 1980s. With regards to their business processes, Income does all the work manually. From the agent submitting the forms to branches, office services would sort them for underwriting; storage is done by sorting all documents and is put in cartons, where all documents are stored in 3 warehouses. Policy writing is in batch process and information was not available to agents and advisors as a result they loss the opportunity to cross-sell.
3. Describe the Information systems and IT infrastructure at Income after migrating to the fully digital system?
- In June 2003, when Income migrated their documents to eBao LifeSystems, everything was in order. According to James Kang, CIO of Income it has everything that they were looking for.
a.) A customer-centric design
b.) Seamless