There are varying conceptions of development. As a result, there are different approaches to the topic. However, all the approaches are concerned with the relationship between governance and development (Huntington 387). Development is normally perceived as being crucially determined by structures of governance whereas governance is interpreted through and molded by the objective of development. The role of modernization theory in political development cannot be wished away as it has brokered modern politics of participation.
The modernization theory is a better definition of political development. Political development is thought of mainly in terms of political modernization (Huntington 387). …show more content…
Political development has been identified as an element closely related to the wider process of modernization. Modernization affects all aspects of society; the affected political aspects comprise political development. Modernization theory was created by comparative socialists and political scientists to explain the causal relationship between economic and political development (Huntington 389). The modernization theory explains the modernization process that a nation goes through in the transition to a modern society from a traditional one. The characteristics used to identify political development are all elements of the modernization …show more content…
Developed political systems are characteristic of modernized societies. All political systems, it appears are culturally mixing, combining tradition with modernity, all-political systems are transitional. Political development, is the response of a political system to changes in its global or societal environments and specifically the response of the system to the challenges of participation, nation building and