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Modernization and Dependency Theories – A Comparative Overview
Introduction Around half a century ago, the newly decolonized and more precisely “underdeveloped” countries began looking at the frenetic efforts of gaining ranks with the developed West. Here, the journey of development has gained its momentum. By definition “Development” is quite commonly used to refer the condition of enhanced industrialization and subsequent economic growth on large scale. The development has led to the defining of indigenous industrial growth for export whereas some of the industrialist have looked forward towards the development of industrial production as an alternation of import. Hence, it put forward a number of theories concerning the development of nations thereby making the socialists gain better outlook of the potential opportunities and changes within the society on a large scale (Ritzer, 2010). This paper will discuss the relevance and applicability of modernization and dependency theories as part of development of nations on industrial scale. Apart from that the relevance of these theories would be discussed under the microscope of their applicability in interpretation of global inequality.
Discussion Nevertheless, the single conception regarding development as a proponent of economic growth, industrialization has surely become a core player in the race of gaining ranks among the West as well as with the standards which are quite commonly set by the West-centric school of thoughts and institutions for the countries which are pronounced deemed developed. Also, the very same scenario can be viewed from the perspectives of presiding figures of most of the countries as amongst other consider in infrastructure changes including highways and dams. On the other hand, the social changes including the effort of getting rid of the
References: Macionis, J. & Plummer, K. 2008: Sociology: A Global Introduction: 4th edition, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, pp280-291 Potter et al Rapley. J. 2002. Understanding Development - Theory and practice in the third world (2nd Edition) - London, Lynne Riennet Publishers, Inc. pp. 14-18. Ritzer, J., 2010: Globalization: A Basic Text, Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, pp71-73, pp98-100 Schuurman, F Smelser, N. 1964. Toward a theory of modernization. Social change, pp. 268-284. So, A Tipps, D. C. 1973. Modernization theory and the comparative study of national societies: A critical perspective. Comparative Studies in Society and History,15(02), 199-226. University of Pittsburgh. 2014. Four Main Theories of Development: Modernization, Dependency, World-Systems, and Globalization. Available at: http://sincronia.cucsh.udg.mx/reyes4.htm#_ftn7