Principles of Marketing
Semester 2, 2013/2014
Module handbook
Module Leader: Dr. Norman Peng
You may find it helpful to record the details of your seminar below.
Teaching Team
Room number
Session - Lecture
Day of week
Start time
Room number
Session - Seminar
Day of week
Start time
Room number
Add your seminar details here
Add your seminar details here
Should you need a large print version of this handbook you can print a copy in the required size from the Blackboard page for the module.
Key Dates
In-module assignment
Assignment 1 (Presentation) Week 9&10
Assignment 2 (individual reflective essay) 27th March 2014
If you do not pass the in-module assignments you may be required to take a resit exam in July 2014. New exam will be issued for this purpose.
1. Introduction 1
2. Module aims, learning outcomes & indicative content 2
3. How do I pass this module? 3
4. Teaching and class work 3
5. Reading guide 4
6. Assessment 5 6.1 In-module group presentation 6 6.2 In-module group presentation written report 8
7. Module calendar & week by week session guide 12
8. Appendix 1- CW1 Guideline 13
9. Appendix 2- CW2 Guideline 15
10. Appendix 3- Group contract for BBUS402 Principles of Marketing 17
Session Etiquette
1. Introduction
Marketing impact our daily life consciously and subconsciously. Its perceived benefits and threats to modern society, businesses, and individuals are widely recognised by the public. Despite these perceptions are not always
References: When: March 27th (1300 hrs, 1PM). Who: This is an individual-based assignment