The implications that occur from inappropriately applying this concept are irrefutable. Failure to solidify changes will cause organizational chaos and result in both leaders and followers doubting the changes will remain in place. Personnel within my career field tend to move frequently. At my previous assignment, we had 3 different Superintendents within 2 years. The arrival of each new Superintendent brought along new processes, methods or tools for our organization to use. It grew to be a predictable routine. We would change a process halfheartedly and decide it wasn’t working so we reverted back to our previous …show more content…
I will delete all previous driving permit lesson content to prevent reverting back. I will coordinate with the schilling community center to collect evidence of manpower savings and customer satisfaction surveys on a monthly basis. I will contact Security Forces to recommend changes to their installation instruction to mandate all personnel obtain self-study references via Share Point or Sponsor and be prepared to complete their driving permit test immediately upon arriving on station.
I will request my peers opinion on where they believe high vehicle accident or trouble areas exist on a quarterly basis and incorporate those focus areas into the lesson and test. I will coordinate with local news to publicize the change and stress the changes are in an effort to ease manpower burdens and to simplify the license process for the customer. These actions will ensure the changes are understood, supported and remain in