Review Questions
1. What are the four types of evidence in a criminal investigation?
Physical evidence
Documentary evidence
Demonstrative evidence
2. What are individual characteristics? Give an example of an individual characteristic? evidence with characteristics that can be traced back to an individual item or person fingerprint patterns tread and wear patterns on shoes blood or semen samples firearm markings markings on a fired cartridge
3. What is the difference between individual characteristics and class characteristics?
Class characteristics pair a characteristic to a whole group, while individual characteristics pair a characteristic to a single person.
4. What are physical and chemical properties? Give an example of each.
Physical properties are those that describe a substance or object without referring to any other substance weight, size, color, and volume
Chemical properties are those that describe what happens when a substance reacts with another substance when the drug heroin comes into contact with the Marquis reagent chemical it turns purple
5. What do forensic scientists do to collect and preserve soil samples?
When collecting a soil sample, forensic scientists take the entire shoe if it has soil on it. They also collect soil samples from a 100 yard radius of the crime scene.
In order to preserve soil samples, forensic scientists must place the object in a bag so that any soil that falls off the object will still be collected
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Why do you think forensic scientists are so careful that the tests they do are sensitive, reproducible, and specific? What might happen if they were less careful about this?
They are so careful about producing tests that are sensitive, reproducible, and specific because if they take sloppy tests, they might mess up the entire investigation. Reproducible tests, for example, allow other scientists to test the same evidence to see if the results match up.