The problem does not lie within the fact that I do bad things. The issue is that nobody wants to be bad alone. If nobody is willing to be bad with you, it is no longer fun. It becomes sad, you become self loathing and empty. You realize the pain that you have the potential to cause and you understand that you are only hurting yourself. You bottle it up and store it in the back of your head forever, but every time you look at the person - or even yourself - the thought lingers… ‘they didn't want to be bad with you, you have corrupted them’. You feel pathetic and you slip back into your old depression. You are numb again. You waste your life sleeping until they send you away. Always hospitalized and treated, sent back into the world. Nothing has changed. You are still full of corruption and mistakes, still just as empty and neglected. You are damaged for the world to see. And you continue this pattern until you rot in the ground, leaving just as you came. Imperfect and alone. Meaningless and molded by Man.
A small essay on Corruption
22 July 2011 at 08:00
(Many people are writing on corruption and I feel the need to comment. So, I thought I should make a small essay and paste the relevant paragraphs whenever someone posts something on corruption. You may skip reading it for three reasons – one, it is just academic suiting only few who love English essays; two, you are likely to read it later on various comments, in parts though and third, it’s quite long and you risk falling asleep while going through it)
Bribes are not, always, about citizens being harassed by officials to get legitimate and legal work done. It is more about people who are not entitled to few services or papers, trying to get those services and papers by paying bribes. Example, of this is can be found in people who try to get passports from addresses which they have not occupied for sufficient periods. And, it is, equally, about someone who had broken a law trying to get