Molecular electronics is the branch of nanotechnology which deals with the applications and construction of nano building blocks that are used in electronic circuit manufacturing and desgin.It is sometimes called as moletronics.All the major electronic fabrications are supported by molecular electronics. Molecular electronics (sometimes called moletronics) involves the study and application of molecular building blocks for the fabrication of electronic components. This includes both passive and active electronic components.
The unifying feature is the use of molecular building blocks for the fabrication of electronic components. This includes both passive (e.g. resistive wires) and active components such as transistors and molecular-scale switches.
Historical Background
The concept of molecular electronics is not new in th field of technology and science.its core concepts were originated with the concept of nano electronics.
Recnet progress and future preception
Recent progress can be seen in the shape of experimental and theoratical study of molecular electronics.with the advancement in the nano sciences ,this very concept is stepping up and up to facilitate the world.The most recent foundation of molecular electronics are scanning tunneling microcope and atomic force microscope which has high molecular fabrications and circuits and are also able to measure and control its function accordingly.It can be assumed that in the near future molecular electronics would be flourishing on broader scale and commonly used instruments that are used in many work areas would be having molecular electronic circuits and fabrications in them.
Recent progress in nanotechnology and nanoscience has facilitated both experimental and theoretical study of molecular electronics. In particular, the development of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and later the atomic force microscope (AFM) have facilitated