From the nature and straight forward aspect of this poem one can tell that Thomas is writing about the joyous sounds of nature that have followed him his entire life. The reader is able to hear the bird sing off in the distances as the poem comes to a close. If one were to look at this through the analysis of Cash, one could infer that the bird was something truly metaphorical. One could infer that the blackbird singing could be a parent singing to a child at the start of life. As the train moves down the tracks towards the final destination, the singing gets more and more distant, but at the final stop when the singing should be the faintest a strange thing happens and the singing becomes just as loud as it was in to begin with. The singing of the bird is reminder to the audience that no matter how
From the nature and straight forward aspect of this poem one can tell that Thomas is writing about the joyous sounds of nature that have followed him his entire life. The reader is able to hear the bird sing off in the distances as the poem comes to a close. If one were to look at this through the analysis of Cash, one could infer that the bird was something truly metaphorical. One could infer that the blackbird singing could be a parent singing to a child at the start of life. As the train moves down the tracks towards the final destination, the singing gets more and more distant, but at the final stop when the singing should be the faintest a strange thing happens and the singing becomes just as loud as it was in to begin with. The singing of the bird is reminder to the audience that no matter how