by the year 1945, the attendance at residential schools had increased to the point where more Indigenous children were attending this type of school rather than simply a day school. Upon arrival to these schools, Indigenous children were deprived of their culture as they were renamed with either an English or French name, their traditional long hair was cut off, and they were given standardized clothing in replacement of their traditional garments. Not only were these children deprived of their culture and traditions, they were also force to endure years of abuse as a result of these schools.
by the year 1945, the attendance at residential schools had increased to the point where more Indigenous children were attending this type of school rather than simply a day school. Upon arrival to these schools, Indigenous children were deprived of their culture as they were renamed with either an English or French name, their traditional long hair was cut off, and they were given standardized clothing in replacement of their traditional garments. Not only were these children deprived of their culture and traditions, they were also force to endure years of abuse as a result of these schools.