Figure 1: A topographical image of Mondeor High School
Discussion and structure of the presentation:
The discussion to the presentation …show more content…
Challenges and misconceptions relating to engineering.
2. Advantages of woman to take on engineering as a career choice.
3. Statistics of woman in engineering.
4. Promoting the fact that women can do engineering.
Challenges and approaches:
A couple of challenges that were faced with the school before and during the presentation were the timeframes and conditions that should have been discussed on the first meeting with the school.
• Timeframe:
As discussed on the first meeting with the school (letter of permission to the school), various dates and times were proposed to the principal and the head of the grade 8s. The chosen date for the presentation was scheduled on Thursday, 24 August 2017 between 9 am and 12 pm. Upon arrival, the principal was not fully aware of our presence and what was noticed, the time that was chosen was not considered beforehand since it fell into other school activities (such as the test period and break). The presentation only commenced at 12:15 that day.
As planned, the group took time delays into consideration as occurred thus having a positive and smooth approach on the above-mentioned issue. From a professional approach, it was very unprofessional for the school to schedule an appointment and not record …show more content…
The students managed to complete our feedback survey and answered it vaguely. The head of the grade 8s and the principal commended us for taking this initiative and bringing in an informative presentation based on