Every person in every city, in every country has the same basic needs, food, shelter and security. Money can alleviate the worry and stress of hunger, cold and danger. It can provide you with the security of a home the ability to feed yourself and your family. After you can afford those basic needs, money makes it possible to live an even fuller life. That includes adventure, a family and charity. There are people who say that money cannot buy happiness because they believe that people who are materialistic view life differently, that they are less observant of the world around them. That money can bring trouble. In other words, it means that there are many different opinions but, money is a key; it can unlock many different possibilities for you. Studies have shown that wealthier people are generally more relaxed than unprosperous or underprivileged citizens. If you have money, you do not have to be anxious about being able to pay rent. This reduces stress by a great amount because you do not have to worry about being homeless because of money problems. In addition you could also have the time and money to take a day off to do favorite leisure activities like going for a run or going to a spa. A day that you choose what to do can do wonders, you will return home relaxed and happy. Some days just do not go the way that you want them to. It can help if you can afford to take a lunch break and go to a restaurant with friends. Being relaxed can make you more tolerable; your friends will want to be around you much more when you are not always stressed out about money problems! It is proven that people are happier when they have personal relationships such as friends. Money enables you to do activities with your friends.
Once you get to a higher standard of living, you are able to experience life in an entirely different way. Travelling is one way that you could live your life to it’s full potential. Take going on a trip to Mexico with