True happiness is a state of mind to which all aspire, but which is rarely and only encountered. If you were to compare photographs of aItalian sidewalk and a back street in New Delhi, you’d find a similar number of happy faces, despite the extravagant wealth of the first city and the other’s grinding poverty. From this, we can assume that causes of happiness are largely determined by personal attitudes and circumstances, and not by our material possessions.
This is a great sickness for society and there is no antibiotic to recover this problem. The gap between the rich and the poor is century old problem, it is difficult to reduce the gap, more over this problem is universal, one or two cannot help, it need more self consciousness than compulsory instructions, the extent of money one needs is still to be gauged, nobody knows how much one needs.
Money will bring all kinds of happiness is the quote for one who still earns, and when once he stops earning he will know what is real happiness is, but unfortunately by that time the person who gives importance for money has lost everything except money, money alone cannot buy everything, real happiness lies in the self contentment but unfortunately even that word 'contentment' too varies from person to person.
Money is the second God and every body is getting mad to get make more money. Money has never been a satisfaction to anybody. Money can arrange some discipline in the daily life but can't manage a peaceful life.
In our society "Money" has made poor and rich differencenciation.This exists from ages and will be continuing. I think, there is no way to stop it. Who will stop it? Nobody, because when someone wakes up to resolve this type of common problem, money convincines them and they forgot their aim and honesty. They automatically change and get busy to build up their own financial career for future.
Day by day daily income is