Some would argue to say that parents play a big role for the cause of young Americans being lazy and narcissistic. Parents believe that the only way to make their children happy is to not only provide for their needs, but provide everything they would want also. When parents are too lenient with their children by satisfying all their wants, children aren’t able to tell the difference between what a priority is and what isn’t. It causes them to be more dependent, always waiting for someone to do something for them and less independent, without even trying to do anything themselves. Bribing children has also been a great weakness of many parents, although it sounds absurd to bribe a child, it happens in the simplest ways. In “Money for Morality” by Mary Arguelles she talks of how her son would always go to her, telling her about his classmates that would receive 10 dollars for …show more content…
In the essay “Money for Morality” by Mary Arguelles, she tells a story of how a young boy found an envelope containing more than $600 and returned it to a bank, who then returned it to its rightful owner. As a reward the owner sent the boy $3. His teachers did not approve and gave him a greater award of $150. Most children see their teachers as role models, so it wouldn’t be their fault if they believe such attitude is right. Acting in this way shows how society doesn’t believe in the simple act of kindness and rather expect to receive immediate