First, money is seen as a source of power and influence. The characters in the book are obsessed with money, and they use it as a source of self assurance and self confidence. "Her voice is …show more content…
full of money," he said suddenly. That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money—that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals' song of it” (Fitzgerald 99). In this quote, it shows that a person cannot be separated from their money. It is always going to be a part of them, and it affects the way others act around them. Even in Daisy’s voice, Gatsby can tell that she is wealthy, and he says she has “inexhaustible charm” because of her money. In “The Great Gatsby”, those with money are idolized and are given power simply because of their being born into a successful family.
Second, the characters in the book prioritize money over happiness and joy in their lives.
Wealth is the most important thing to them, and it comes before anything else to a painful degree. “When I was here last I tore my gown on a chair, and he asked me my name and address – inside of a week I got a package from Croirier's with a new evening gown in it.” "Did you keep it?" asked Jordan. "Sure I did. I was going to wear it tonight, but it was too big in the bust and had to be altered. It was gas blue with lavender beads. Two hundred and sixty-five dollars” (Fitzgerald 85). In this quote Lucille is more proud of the price of the dress than the dress itself. She can’t help but brag about how expensive the dress was. She isn’t happy with the dress, she is happy that she has another expensive item about which she can boast to her friends. The characters in “The Great Gatsby” were narcissistic and infatuated with their wealth.
In addition, the characters, especially Gatsby, attempted to perfect their lives through money.
Money can’t buy happiness, but Gatsby tried to use his resources to relive and perfect the past. “After all, wealth is not the most important factors in our lives. It does not bring anyone happiness or love. Gatsby could not use money to buy Daisy’s love. Also, although Gatsby knows a many important people, who come to his party before, after he dies only a few people come to his funeral. Wealth and power are gone away with Gatsby” (Boonto 1). This is a perfect example that money cannot truly make a person happy. Gatsby had people that took advantage of his wealth and came to his parties, but he hardly had friends. Nobody cared about him after he died. The characters in “The Great Gatsby” tried to make their lives perfect with their vast monetary resources.
In conclusion, money had an extremely large role in “The Great Gatsby”. Having money was synonymous with having power and influence. Money drove decision making. Also, money was valued more than happiness and joy. The characters were so proud of their monetary possessions rather than their experiences. Lastly, Gatsby attempted to perfect his past by spending exorbitant amounts of money on parties, but in the end few people cared enough to go to his funeral. Overall, money was a significant factor in the plot of “The Great Gatsby” and it exposes flaws in multiple facets of the