Many people think about love as something that is positive and thinks that there is nothing bad about love and that love is pure, something that is innocent. When we talk above love, the first thing that comes to a person’s mind is a relationship or parental love and think that there is nothing bad about it. Those who have not been in a relationship might not know the challenges of maintaining a relationship. Some of the challenges or problems that people face in a relationship is where there is a third party involved, not prioritizing the relationship, over suspicion of either sides and many more. When people face such problems and do not know how to solve these problems, they might go through depression causing them to be mentally and emotionally unstable and when they are mentally and emotionally unstable, they will do anything that they think will help to solve the problem. One example is that If there was a third party in the relationship the person who is emotionally and mentally unstable would go out to an extent of killing the third party. In the recent years, statistics have shown that there has been a significant rise in murder due to relationship problems. Another example is love for power which means this love is not true love, but this love is only for power, authority, fame or money.
Now that you have learnt about the bad things about love and money. It is actually difficult to decide which is the root of all evil. In my opinion everything actually leads back to one’s desire which is in other words is greed. I would like to leave you with this “Never ever let greed or anyone to control you. You control yourself.”
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