1. The greed caused by pursuit of money is damaging.
2. spiritual damage
3. there are alternatives to money
4. Family damage
6. If money was such a good thing then IT would serve the people. Instead people serve IT.
7. Money equals a social status
8. money causes interest
9. money can be good and bad
All the No points
1. Money can be donated to a good cause.
2. some evil clearly nothing to do with money
3. Money is not the root of all evil. The lack of money is the root of all evil.
4. More
5. Money represents positive value
6. Money is the end product of what you did
7. Originally, Money was the solution to the problems(/inefficiencies in transactions) arising out of barter exchange system.
8. Money can't be dispensed with
9. There's no such thing as the root of evil!
Money is the root of all evil
The greed caused by pursuit of money is damaging.
Yes, because at its most corrupt, the greed for money does motivate an increasing number of human citizen's to stealing, violence and murder. It can make people embezzle, swindle, go to war and even colonise other countries to control their resources. The need to have the most money and so think the most power is a dark force. Money and wealth have been the most explosive divide in history. Revolutions have generally involved the poor fighting for their rights and a share of the money from the minority rich.
The burning desire from corporations and banking institutions to make more money for themselves and shareholders recently brought the world close to the brink of financial collapse.
There is a point where money changes from being a social value that everyone can have and trade to both self and social interests to an obsession, an obsession that many feel they have to go so far as to even take a human life. Not the big bankers, they do it subley and when confronted will for the most part admit to their doing's. But to the people down the street, to those many people still clinging to a false mentality that without this "money" They lack the power needed to get what is necessary(Food, water, shelter, ect) But some believe they will not eat, they won't know where they will sleep are how they will feed their family's without this same thing. These are not just problems of the "Super Nations", but a global pandemic that is costing the lives of countless people daily. There are alternatives to money, which need to be at least explored and tried. Trillions are spent for purposes of protecting us from ourself's, how much would it cost to get protection from the protector's?
This is a very sad image that has been painted of the human race. Not all people are money grabbing bankers. in fact the majority of people are good-hearted, who are prepared to give away increasingly small small amounts of spare cash to help charities. They are willing to help.
You can't blame corporations and bankers for doing what they are supposed to - and that is make money and turn a profit. In all exchanges someone is selling a service and someone is buying a service. There is no rule that says you cannot make money from the transaction. What we can do though is to change the environment in which banks operate. For example laws stipulating how much profit can be made, how much of profit needs to go back to society. We can take responibility for our own destinies instead of money leading us by the nose.
As we develop technologically, research and development which leads to breakthroughs in all spheres of society cost money. The companies spending that money should surely be entitled to a return on their investment.
Without an incentive, there may be fall off in development.
spiritual damage
Money is a very base, worldly concern. While it is necessary to think about worldly concerns sometimes, people often think about money in situations where it would be more appropriate to think about purer concerns. For instance, people consider the cost of going to University over the good it will do for their mind. Humanity cannot evolve beyond barbarism if we think of such things constantly.
it is not unjust when you are doing a service back in exchange; evolving humanity, providing a good role model for you. and we don't NEED to address any concerns beyond keeping yourself alive, which you do with food, clothes and shelter, not directly with money.
i think we are still very barbarous, we murder, rape, steal, do terrible things to each other, often because of worldly concerns. we have advanced a long way but we still have a long way to go, and we need to stop thinking about something more than whether we're getting a decent deal out of some arbitrary rate of exchange.
Worldly concerns must always be addressed by someone. The only way to free someone from thinking about his worldly needs is to have someone else do it for him, which is unjust.
Also, Humanity has evolved already way beyound barbarism, using the concept of money all along; why is it now declared impossible?
there are alternatives to money as we move towards a digital age it seems a small leap to move money into digital keystokes - in this way its easier to organise distribution towards the many not the few...the myth of the few 'great minds' driving capitalism/innotaion/management/integrity, was given a damning conclusion when the bankers brought the world to the brink of financial meltdown - we don't need a few like this anymore...social wage now...
Actually, what derailed the socialist communist former U.S.S.R was their meet with the mujahideen(now taleban) in Afghanistan. They were very innovative and successful, otherwise and thus a huge threat to the U.S.A.
Hitler's Nazi Germany also saw an increase in the overall well-being of German society(there was a German cause to the evil 'Hail Hitler'). There were jobs, order, discipline and a distasteful outlet to vent their frustration over their previously pathetic economy(they blamed it on the Jewish immigrants).
And you can hardly say, that the Nazis(who pulled up the German economy and killed a lot of innocent people) and Communists(Who were the first to send a man into space (comrade Yuri Gagarin) and who saved China from Starvation , China is STILL communist socialist) were doing NOTHING.[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_socialist_countries]]
So, instead of only a few bastards getting away with doing nothing for money, now we will have everyone doing nothing for money. Sounds great, until you realize that the resources to run that scheme will soon run out and people will be forced to create value by the motivation of fear and coercion, rather than by the desire to better their condition. This is exactly what derailed all socialist states.
What would such alternatives be? In the field of Economics, they have tried to measure Gross National Happiness as opposed to GDP and it created even more problems. Only one country in the world has this as an index, due to problems of comparison between individuals' happiness levels, measuring happiness and the fact that happiness levels are so easily influenced by personal situations.
The lack of any other sensible, comparable and ordinal alternative has meant that money is the only current measuring unit.
Family damage
Greed in the family can cause many problems like for example, if your greedy, you put other things like money, fame, cars, and even women in front of your family which is a terrible sin in the bible. If you look up 1 Timothy 6:10 you can even see what it says about desire and greed. Both of these thing scan lead to a horrible life at the end. You see Satan he only lets you think your getting away for a bit until it all comes crashing down. The government even knows this and they don't care. All they care about is that if we don't know, the better is it for them, but just because they think we don't know doesn't mean that they can get away with it. Greed and desire will only lead to destruction and pain in the end.
Especially after a death caused by a close family member, arguments will occur depending on the will, which is supposed to be shared between: the cousins, sons, daughters.
Greed by wanting more of the will and the proprieties of the passed away member might cause severe conflicts and spread up close family members.
Usually the son (male), expects a bigger amount of gain than the daughter (female), knowing that he is supposed to build-up a family, taking care of his children and wife, where else the female is usually happy with what she gets knowing her husband is her rely source.
There are different degrees of greed as there are different degrees of everything. If everyone was given everything equally then what is there to be greedy about. That leaves the consumption of resources. If everyone had everything, how much would that cost. Well, concidering that not every city all over the world can grow or make everything that they need, which is where trading would play out exchanging goods. But say there is a country that is lacking what it needs and doesn't have a resource that is required elsewhere, what do we do about them? We organize projects to help them with what is needed where they are. If they're in a desert and cannot grow crops everyone builds them green houses. People who do not have access to clean water can easily be obtained with aqueducts which they do not have now probably because of the lack of founding. There are plenty more ways people could self sustain themself city by city.
What does greed got to do with money? Even without money, greed still exists.
It can be argued that the existence of money has turned man against himself. It can be argued that money has divided our society into classes. It can be said that the roots causes of poverty and crime are society's perceived hierachy of its citizens (skilled versus unskilled labour) and, consequently, the monetary value of that labour. This has distorted the distribution of wealth across society. Out of this is often born crime, often motivated by economics - to sell the proceeds of crime in order to survive. Other crime - murder, rape, violence - is not economically driven and occurs in all classes..
So often we can argue that the commission of a crime is as a result of the need to accumulate money. It is ironic that, in terms of value, embezzlement, money laundering and economic crimes are much higher than those crimes associated with social ills - drugs, robbery, murder, theft etc. But it is certainly the accumulation of wealth that drives economic crime.
Well, I doubt that its true though. First let us consider the point that money is of no real value. What about Gold? Gold itself is considered money. Money itself is divided into Fiat money and Commodity money. Even without fiat money(paper money), people will still be able to use commodity money. Something similar to barter trade. Does crime still exist? i bet it will. Much more than it is now if fiat money is not used. What causes poverty itself is not the lack of money. It is the mentality of the people that's saying that 'i am poor, i wont become rich, i don't need money, money is the root of all evil'. These are the mentality that causes poverty.
And besides, i think u should clearly understand what "all" mean,it means nearly everything or everything.So,first of all,there's no doubt that you can not count how many evils are there in this world,that means your 90% is impossible to prove your point;and if you are right,is that also mean you agree with"there's no evil during the time when the money haven't been invented?"KIDDING!
If money was such a good thing then IT would serve the people. Instead people serve IT.
Money CAN be a good thing but who's really in control? Do you think you're in control because, what, you have a good job? You invested in something? Exactly how much control do you have over your own life when all you do is serve pieces of paper and the system that relies on it?
I suggest to watch these if you dont know what I mean.