Family composition It is a largely male dominant culture. Mongolian men have many wives. The legal age for marriage is 18 year old and the young Mongolian is choosing their partners with or without the consent of their parents. Mongolian families usually are large with average of 4 and more children. Mothers with 5 children are awarded as honored mother.
Family assessment Daily responsibilities are divided evenly among family members and no one person’s work is considered more important than another’s. Traditionally, men take care of horses, that are provided foods for the family. Women’s responsibilities include cooking, taking care of the children and making clothing. Traditionally, the eldest son would inherit the father’s possessions and become the head of the household.
Members of the family are living very closely and maintain a good relationship. There are culturally influenced on childbearing and childrearing, fathers and mothers involve actively in the care of children. Strange and bizarre to see how a mother is care for her baby by suction mucus in the nose of the baby with her mouth. Children play in the ground barefoot and naked that could be unacceptable in many cultures. Playing is most important activity for the children. In Mongolian culture, the mother and the father educate their children according their experiences. Parents don’t get enough attention about child’s safety. For a child,