imagine. King Duncan, frail and fair, much like my own father, is dead and his blood will forever be on my hands.
I fear my husband, my love, who is no longer who he used to be.
He used to talk with me, tell me of his dreams, yet recently he rarely speaks to me, let alone look at me the way he used to. It torments me to see my one love in this way. Distancing him self more and more from all those he was once familiar with. Never have I loved another as I love he and it kills me inside to see him steeply spiraling out of control. Did I do this? Did I create this monster? I stripped my noble lord of all the control he once had and I then inhaled it. I set him into action. I gave him to desire to kill. Ever since our king Duncan was killed, we both went separate ways. He went off on his own, started to make his own plans where I, left alone am yet to accept the heartless crime we, together, have committed. He, now a bloodthirsty monster, is willing to kill all those in his way to secure his time on the throne, all because of
What have I become? The deaths of Duncan, Banquo and Macduffs family are all because of my cruel actions… The blood on my hands will forever remain. I can see them coming… Duncan’s men, they are coming for me upon the gloomy nights sky. I have brought this upon myself and it is now my time to depart… It is my biggest fear that I am to be exposed for treason. It will be then that I am in the arms of Duncan’s men. What is it they will do to me then? Kill me too for my blood? It is for this reason; I must depart this life before they do the favor first. I must bring an end to all this paranoia. I have been sleeping poorly since the murder of our King Duncan. The doctor even warns me that I have been sleepwalking. Oh what I could have said… What I could have revealed… What is done cannot be undone. This was never meant to be. I am loosing grip and slowing falling away. The time has come.