
Monologue Of Lady Macbeth

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Monologue Of Lady Macbeth
Macbeth has invited other lords and me, to be guests at his coronation; where we’ll be attending dinner at his castle. As I walked in the room with the other well dressed guests, we all took our seats at our respective places at the table. I worked my way to my seat and was immediately greeted with the powerful aromas of all kinds of foods and spices. I looked across my seat to notice an empty chair. “Banquo must be running late”, I thought to myself. As Macbeth started greeting the guests, I noticed his face all of a sudden, turn as pale as a bed sheet. “Which of you have done this?” Macbeth said in horror. As I’m staring across from me, I still see nobody. I’m started to get extremely curious as Macbeth continues to shout at an empty chair. “If thou canst nod, speak too. If charnel houses and our graves must send” As Lady Macbeth attempts to control her husband, I start attempting to piece everything together. Lady Macbeth claims that her husband has had …show more content…
“I drink to the general joy o' th' whole table, And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss” Macbeth says. Right after the toast, Macbeth starts hollering at the empty seat again. This is when I put two and two together; both of Macbeth’s outbursts have happened as a result of mentioning Banquo. Both of them also mentioned death, but in the second one, Macbeth mentioned he was yelling at a ghost. I’ve come to the conclusion that either Banquo is dead, or Macbeth sent had Banquo go kill somebody for him, but Macbeth is worried because Banquo hasn’t yet returned. After the second outburst, Lady Macbeth sends me and the other lords home. However, I didn’t leave. I stayed back, and hid to find out what was going on with Macbeth. While I was quietly sneaking around the castle like a mouse, I heard Macbeth talking with his

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