This is a 6 year old white female, who has had medically refractory seizures for most of her life. She arrives here after failing multiple medical therapies for insertion of a vagal nerve stimulator in the palliative treatment of her seizures.…
Why create such myths. The answer is simple; they are grand unstoppable forces that only gods may stop. They exist to warn the human species that we live in a big world filled with many existences beyond us. We will not be “on top” forever. One day something will appear and we’ll need everything we have to stop it, or not. In reality these are old fables that hold more sway in the time when we didn’t have the whole world mapped. Though they hold some truth in that the world is filled with unstoppable force such as hurricanes and earth quakes. The monsters just act as a simple reminder to be weary on a midnight stroll through the woods, because you never know what might be behind the next tree. After all the dark is the last refuge of the unknown, and it just loves to pop up when we are…
Monsters are unpredicted and are made at anytime. Monsters show different actions that can affect what society acts upon them. We can see that monsters can be unfairly labeled by examining “Of Mice and Men”, “Born of A Man and Woman”, and “Monster”. People will jump to conclusion when it comes to labeling other people as monsters, this is because of the characteristics of disorders that people cannot understand,and the looks or appearance on one self changes people’s opinions. Through examination and explaining the actions of the author's use of text from Steinbeck,Myers, and Matheson, we can understand that people will claim to be unfairly labeled as monsters.…
Monster; an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening. A monster is something that steve was definitely not. About that's not what his attorney nor what other people think. Even though steve is a kind and shy person, he was still categorized as a ‘’monster’’. With this situation, steve was struggling too, find out who he was real. Just because he looked physically the same as, James King, didn't mean he acted the same as him.This is where prejudice…
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the word monster is defined as an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening. But is that what our modern day society really believes a monster is? Through time what people expect to see in a monster has changed. When you think of how people originally thought of aliens and vampires, you realize it’s a lot different than what we think of them today. Originally vampires were thought of being a corpse that would leave its grave at night and feed off the living by biting their necks. They weren’t able to be exposed to the sunlight or be in the sight of garlic. The idea of vampires have been around for millions of years and they have always represented something very horrifying.…
In order to maintain an aura of mystique, a monster usually would not expose its entire physical body in the beginning of a sci-fi creature movie; however, the director Bong Joon-ho subverts the genre convention and “reworks genre convention using them as a framework for exploring and critiquing South Korean social and political issues” (Klein). The story of the film The Host mainly depicts how members of a dysfunctional family use their own ways to rescue the missing daughter, who has been captured by a creature emerging from the Han River in Seoul. The background setting is just like the convention of Hollywood movies. But ironically, all of extrinsic factors involving government and normal citizens…
Monsters are not always furry beast that live under the bed. Monsters can be born as human children, hiding behind pretty faces and sweet voices. They are not solely the things found in nightmares, nor do they always leave when the lights turn on. They are real, and can be found in every one of us. The Bible says that every child is born with a seed of evil, that can be traced back to the beginning of biblical times. This seed is original sin, planted in the hearts of humanity by the devil himself. If that seed is let to cultivate, then it can take over a person, and push them toward the path of monstrosity. No matter what your were born as, monster or saint, it is your choice to chose the path you want to take. In the novel East of Eden, John Steinbeck uses both Cal Trask and Cathy Ames to symbolize the evil inside of humanity, and Cal alone as a symbol of humanity's choice to overcome it.…
Monsters are imaginary creatures that humans created. People’s fears, worries, or anxieties have been used to create the fictional monsters. Monsters have features that society deem to be scary or bad. The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and the novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka follow the story of a 'monster'. Pushed away from society, and labeled as an outcast, the monster is often hurt by the people around it. However, the monsters in these stories were not always monsters. They were once simple creatures, loving and kind, who were pushed away by society, turned into outcasts and deemed unfit to live among the rest of society. Once deemed unfit for society, both Frankenstein's monster and Gregor turned towards monstrosity. Both…
No longer were monsters a product of supernatural forces, monsters were created. Yet, in order for a monster to become a monster, it cannot exist in isolation. Relating my idea of the connection between knowledge and morality in the Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment period to the monster and his body in Frankenstein, I argue that society’s knowledge of the monster is formed in one of two ways; one, through scientific creation or two, through social construction. Now, it is through (1) physical features which differ drastically from others or (2) immoral actions that one becomes a monster in their own society. In part, “monsters” are products of their own environment. What makes the creature in Frankenstein a monster is that he is both a scientific creation and his physical features and his actions of murder deviate from society’s expectations. Throughout the novel Frankenstein’s creation is never given a real name. Instead, he is called; a “demoniacal corpse, wretch, daemon, devil, monster, ogre, the being and creature” (36, 68, 102, 164, 165). Besides not having a name, Frankenstein’s creature is also described using the term deformity and monster. After society’s constant negative response to his physical appearance, the creature himself…
A: In British literature, monsters are used as a tool for what the people of the Middle Ages believed they were supposed to do and created these monsters to be portrayed as something “bad” towards humanity. All of the monsters mentioned do share a few common characteristics of what they were supposed to do in British literature. To start, the monsters all inhabit some space outside of the realm of human civilization because they cannot or don’t want to be a part of the human world due to how different they are. Some monsters serve a purpose as being a part of a hero’s journey, such as the Giants and Serpents in the Wilderness of Wirral, which, when Gawain fighting monsters on his journey makes him look more like a knight. Some monsters possess…
those. The real terror is a monster that is abandoned by his creator and society and left in a…
All monsters have that one thing that sets them apart from the rest whether it’s the notorious big foot and his big foot, Michael Myers and his huge kitchen knife, or even werewolves and the fact that they transform when a full moon is out. Every monster is unique and different, but in the book Monsters there are seven theses and one thesis stood out. Theses number six in the book Monsters states that “Fear of the monster is really a kind of desire.” That thesis is true when it comes to a certain fictional monster by the name of Freddy Krueger.…
The United States victory over the Axis powers was due to stronger production, more man power, and superior weapons. Leading to World War II the Unites States and the world was in the midst of the Depression. Businesses were struggling to keep their doors open, and had few employees. During the Depression twenty five percent of the population was unemployed. World War II was able to bring the Country out of the depression by injecting money into the economy to prepare for the assault on the Axis powers. During the War the United States superior economic, strategic, and technological abililties led the nation to becoming the super power we know today.…
When monsters are thought of a very distinct picture comes to mind. An ugly creature that is out for blood, born into a life where causing misery is his driving force. Do these features really define what a monster is; works of literature like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Shakespeare’s Othello tell quite a different story. Monsters are not born but made just as people are not born evil but can sometimes end up there. Othello and the Monster start of as good men looking to be part of society but were pushed out because of what others perceived them to be. This caused them to mentally and physically isolate themselves from everyone allowing hatred to take over. Iago and Frankenstein also helped to instill thoughts and emotions in these characters that ultimately changed their path from good to evil. Both the characters of Othello and the Monster transform into monstrous beings due to their desire to be accepted, isolation, and relationship with their antagonists.…
For centuries people have been writing and passing down stories about a variety of different subjects. One topic that has always intrigued the general population is those stories of monsters. The reason these stories have always been so popular is because they are not actually about the monster itself, but rather about what the monster represents in regards to the time period as well as the culture of the place where the story originated. This is extremely apparent in the classic 1954 film Godzilla. Godzilla represents the first thesis of Jeffery Jerome Cohan’s “Monster Theory” which states that “The monster’s body quite literally incorporates fear, desire, anxiety, and fantasy. The monstrous body is pure culture” (Cohan). In the film Godzilla symbolizes the fear of atomic or nuclear war that many Japanese people were experiencing following WWII along with the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.…