David is just a normal boy living a not so normal life. This being because not many kids have a sheriff for a dad …show more content…
It first began when he had found out that his role model, Uncle Frank, had raped two Indian girls who were in his care because he was the only doctor in town. David’s heart sank when he had heard this because he had always looked up to Uncle Frank and he was completely devastated by this. Before David was even a teenager he thought that his Uncle Frank was the best man in the world; he was “a star athlete”, “handsome”, and “a genuine war hero”. “Witty, charming, at smiling ease with his life and everything in it”. Uncle Frank had changed David’s thoughts about him from just finding out about him raping the two Indian girls but David now knows that he also molested his beloved Marie Little Soldier, the family’s Sioux housekeeper who was ill and was having to be treated by Uncle Frank. Marie was unfortunately violated and eventually murdered by Uncle Frank. When his uncle Frank commits suicide David is able to feel appreciation for him, thinking that by committing suicide he had erased the public scandal which was looming over the town. These two deaths have left David forever disturbed and emotionally damaged. After these two deaths occurred in the house they decided to move house. David knew that his mother didn’t mean just leaving the house but leaving Bentrock as