Montessori schools believe that children are at their happiest when they are busily involved in processes. Children are natural learners who, if left to follow their instincts, will want to constantly explore the world. All too often what stops children enjoying this natural curiosity are external demands that don't fit with their needs. [6]
The Montessori approach has influenced current provisions in many ways; the EYFS says practitioners should observe individual children in order to provide for their play and learning, practitioners are meant to ensure children are being challenged in order to progress in their learning. Child initated-play allows children to be free while practitioners observe to best suit individual needs. Many settings also stick to specific orders and structures throughout a term so children can feel safe in their environment.
The common core is another approach that has influenced current provisions in the UK. Common core is the name given to the six areas of skills, knowledge and expertise that the English government believes to be essential for all those working with children. The six areas are: Effective communication,