July 25, 2011
Physical Science Rationale Science is learning to discover. It is about questioning how things are created and continue to exist in the world. Science teaches one to look for answers through research, observation, and experiments. Students at this level will learn how to formulate a hypothesis, and through keen experiences prove and or disprove a theory. This form of exploration appeals to the curiosity and imagination of a six to nine years old child. Maria Montessori pointed out that every element in our world has some important task to perform. This task will not only satisfy its own need but also contribute to the need of others in the process. This is one of the many facets of cosmic education. Cosmic education is a way to show the child how everything in the universe is interrelated and interdependent, no matter whether it is the tiniest molecule or the largest organism ever created. Every single thing has a part to play, a contribution to make to the maintenance of harmony in the world. In understanding this network of relationships, the child finds that her or she is a part of the whole, and has a part to play, a contribution to make (Stoll Lillard, 2005, p. 130). Physical science lessons in the six to nine classroom commence with the first of the Great Lessons. These imaginative stories provide the foundation of the creation of the universe. Explorations of the concepts presented are encouraged through scientific thoughts: whereupon the child’s questions become his hypothesis and through the power of observation, he reaches his own conclusions about the laws of the universe. The introduction of the Creation of the Universe gives the child an overview upon which specifics are built. The child is introduced to the functioning of galaxies, the solar system, the formation of the earth, rocks and minerals, and the study of matter. The child is presented the whole scope in order to be able
References: Montessori, M. (1989). The formation of man. Oxford: Clio Press Ltd. Montessori, M. (1994). From childhood to adolescence. Oxford: ABC-Clio Ltd. Stoll Lillard, A. (2005). Montessori: The science behind the genius. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.